Launch of Innovation Corps in Newark, NJ. on September 19, 2013.

Innovation Corps is a movement to support young innovators everywhere in turning their ideas to businesses.

VA SHIVA INNOVATION CORPS™ aims to provide support to high school students across the globe that will help them to develop their ideas into practical businesses. With the cooperation of local philanthropists, professionals and businesses, selected students will receive advice, everyday practical help and financial support in setting up their business. Guidance in the areas of legal, marketing, book keeping and financing matters are some of the support the student will receive through Innovation Corps.


The People

V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, Founder

Neil Devine, Executive Director

David Calvo, Director

Prabhakar Deonikar, Volunteer Staff

Ramachandran Subramanian, Volunteer Staff

Manjula Balaji, Volunteer Staff