VA SHIVA INNOVATION CORPS™ is a movement founded by Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai for helping the development of innovation among high school students in inner cities and villages across the globe, with the support of local philanthropists, professionals and businesses.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, the Inventor of Email, the Founder of Center for Integrative Systems that performs fundamental research in systems thinking and is the home of Innovation Corps and C.L.E.A.N./R.A.W. certifications. He holds 4 degrees from MIT, is a Fulbright Scholar and has started 7 successful hi-tech companies including EchoMail, CytoSolve and Systems Health. He is also the Founder and CEO of CytoSolve, Inc, which is discovering cures for major diseases from Pancreatic Cancer to Alzheimer’s. He also stood as a candidate for US Senate from Massachusetts, running as a Republican.
About Innovation Corps
VA SHIVA INNOVATION CORPS™ is a movement founded to develop innovative thinking and entrepreneurship among high school students in inner cities and villages across the globe, with the support of local philanthropists, professionals and businesses.
The program aims to recognize and support high school students, across the globe by providing them a $1000 grant along with advice, and practical help when needed to support their innovations and businesses. Guidance in the areas of legal, marketing, book keeping and financing matters are some of the support the student are eligible to receive through VA SHIVA INNOVATION CORPS.
read moreAbout Dr. V.A. Shiva
Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email and systems scientist, created the program to recognize and provide resources currently not available to inner city high school students with ideas and potentials. He currently speaks at high schools, universities on the power of innovation, encouraging youth to embrace entrepreneurship. He is Founder and a Director at the International Center for Integrative Systems located in Cambridge, MA. He holds four degrees from MIT including his PhD in Biological Engineering. He has founded multiple businesses over the last thirty years. At the age fourteen, he was given the right environment and support to become inventor of world’s first email system, when he was a high school student in Newark, New Jersey.
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